Thursday, November 8, 2012

Electric Meters / Backyard Stories

The work uses electric meters installed in building blocks whose blinking lights
represent the visualization of family’s activity and the dynamics of the neighbourhood.
The main idea of the project is to transform this visual information
into aural signal and as a result to get a dynamic sound rhythm the melody of
which depends on how intensively a family uses electricity.

The transformation of visual information into sound happens in the processor
that feeds on information from camera facing the electric meters. The signal is
then fed back to the amplifiers that are attached to the meter. Along with the
sound, the observer will see the video of working meters at the same instance
through the projection of their flashing forms.

Public art project. 2012. Batumi, Georgia.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Red & Blue

Vasili Macharadze. 

If a feeling of privacy is developed constantly through dialogue, the Soviet environment, as a monologue system, was initially established as the unknown segment, and its development has been ongoing regardless of our choice. An environment-reconstruction strategy of the new governmental system is concentrated on lighting and illumination, but despite the fact that this approach is serving the needs of society and may be optimal for the present, here the process remains isolated from the society’s choice. Based on the mistakes of the past and contemporary strategy, Red & Blue is an experiment making concessions in the surroundings, which means interactivity between the opposing sides (as the city and its citizen) in order to renew the dialogue. The installation is a lighting system, where every passerby can change light conditions and their color by pulling down the cables to change them from red to blue or vice versa.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Personal Rotation

The Game is a try to research an influence of one’s cultural background on his/her ecstatic statement and a depth of a socio-cultural determination of a person.

Koka Vashakidze
Vasili Macharadze

Talking City / Mindware. Technologies of Dialogue

The project is on the hidden connections which are covered by the functionality of the system and which belongs to the intimate sphere of system units.
The stops are located on the routes of the transport and their connection is consequent although its possible to see the same people on distinct stops which connect this particular stop to another one. It could be said that the passenger represents some kind of linguistic unit, a signal, using which a connection is made within any two stops. 
To register the links we took some interesting information regarding each stop, key facts it could tell us about it, and after braking it into messages, using the signals we spread it to other stops. 
The feedback was result into a map, where the meta-systematic connections of the municipal transport were formed, and also the resulting texts which were formed randomly  due to the human touch (to see the map click on this link). 

Vasili Macharadze
Tomasz Malec

2011 Lublin.Pholand.

to see the map click on this link